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At INTX, we fully understand the impact that the transport industry has on the environment.

We want to ensure our clients receive a quality service whilst also doing our part to minimise our impact on the environment and taking care of the planet.

As a small business, we know that we’re not going to solve everything all at once but we are committed to bettering ourselves everyday and have taken steps to start to reduce our impact on the environment.

Our environmental policy can be accessed here.

As well as doing our best to minimise our impact, we encourage our clients to do the same wherever we transport them. Our responsible visitor charter can be accessed here.

Our sustainability efforts are implemented and considered with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals in mind as we are determined to be a part of the solution.

Green Tourism

As a company who specialises in providing transport solutions for the tourism sector, we support the work Green Tourism are doing to hold companies accountable for how they operate. We have signed up to Green Tourism’s award programme in 2022 and in our 2024 assessment, we earned a silver award.

We are committed to improving the way we do things here at INTX and we are working hard with Green Tourism to gain a higher-level award and show our dedication to running an environmentally friendly business that puts people, places and planet at the centre of all decisions.

You can read more about the work Green Tourism do here.


Better Business Act

Our company joined the Better Business Act coalition because we believe the world needs every business at its best – creating good jobs, helping to fix pressing problems and adding value to society. The Better Business Act will amend section 172 of The Companies Act to ensure that company directors are responsible for advancing the interests of shareholders alongside those of wider society and the environment.

We are encouraged by the fact that the Better Business Act is a business-led campaign, driven by leaders who recognise that the law has fallen behind business culture and who have proven that this approach to business works for everyone.

We believe that the Better Business Act is a unique opportunity to demonstrate UK leadership on the global stage – creating a competitive advantage, driving innovation, accelerating progress to net zero, and aligning with the government’s ambition to build back better.

INTX Better Business Act

INTX Trees for Life

Trees for Life

Trees for Life are an environmental organisation who are striving to rewild the Scottish Highlands by restoring the globally unique Caledonian Forest which once covered much of Scotland. We have partnered with them and have initiated our own corporate grove.

From 2022, each hire made through INTX has included a donation to Trees for Life to help towards planting trees for our grove. In 2023, we surpassed our goal to plant 500 trees in 2023 and are hoping to plant 1000 trees in 2024.

Good Business Charter

We hold ourselves to high ethical standards designed to not only benefit our customers but also our team members and those we conduct business with. As a result, we have achieved Good Business Charter accreditation. Good Business Charter accredited organisations are committed to ten key components

  1. Real Living Wage
  2. Fairer hours and contracts
  3. Employee well-being
  4. Employee representation
  5. Equality, diversity and inclusion
  6. Environmental responsibility 
  7. Pay fair tax
  8. Commitment to customers
  9. Ethical sourcing
  10. Prompt payment to suppliers



At INTX, we are passionate about doing what we can to help the transport sector both locally and internationally. That is why we chose Transaid as our international charity of choice for 2023. We fully support and are passionate about the work Transaid are doing “to transform lives through safe, available and sustainable transport.”

Transaid aim to achieve this goal by focusing on professional driver training, transport management systems, and rural access to transport, to solve some of the biggest transport challenges in economically developing countries including road deaths and maternal access to vital care. 

INTX Transaid